Carpe Diem
1. How far along would you say you are in finishing your project? Is it necessary to fully finish the project to having a working prototype? What is the difference between an MVP and a working prototype?
2. Describe an opportunity that came along to advance your project that you took. How did taking that risk pay off in the end?
3. Describe an opportunity that came along to advance your project that you did not take or did not fully advantage of. Why did you make that decision?
4. What have you personally done to contribute to the advancement of this project? What could you have done more or better?
As of now, all that is needed is the building of the product, which should not take too long since we will have all of the necessary pieces and equipment. For our product, it would probably be best to make a working prototype, rather than just an MVP, because the working prototype will actually show that we are capable of building a product that does what it is meant to do. The difference between an MVP and a working prototype can probably be seen through the budget. For a working prototype that cost too much, an MVP would probably be the best option. However, we are aiming towards making our prototype workable.
We had some risks along the way, such as cutting down from more than fifteen products to just one. Based on our prior interview questions, we had never really focused on just implementing one feature since we thought that more was better. However, we realized that having one great product is much more valuable than having multiple mediocre products, which we were aiming for previously. That risk did pay off. Earlier, our products were solving for a customer's want. We changed our product into something that can save lives.
We had an opportunity to start with a hovering idea from the beginning. We should have devoted an entire interviewing session just to the idea of a hovering phone. If we had seen good results from our interviews, we could have pursued solely that idea. With that, the expansion of our product would have been easily possible, our time would have been much more flexible, and we really could have taken our product to the next level.
I personally have been contributing on the business side and making sure everyone was involved in the product. I took a leadership role in the team and managed our priorities. I also made sure I was always being an active member of the team, not only through updating and revising the slides and the website but also helping find the necessary parts that go towards building our product. I could have helped more with the product development and could have urged myself and my group members to focus at all times.
We are in the middle of finishing our project, and I think that we need at least an MVP, but not necessarily a real product. The difference between an MVP and a working prototype is that an MVP is the least you could do to show your product. That's why it's called a minimal viable product, while a working prototype is an actual product that you could potentially sell. An MVP is the start to a working prototype.
The opportunity that came along to advance our project is making only one modular feature. It was very risky because we had to drop all of our simple ideas, and stick with one that many of the people we interviewed wanted. I think that decision was for the better because it's much more practical, and more people would be willing to buy it. It's for people of all ages, and I'm glad we made the choice to stick with the drone.
One opportunity we wanted to pursue was having a heart rate monitor in the case. We decided to not make that decision because we would need to buy a heart rate monitor or extract one from a fitbit, which is too expensive. We also didn't have many people willing to buy that product. I think just building the drone was the best idea.
I conducted the most interviews, came up with some of the ideas, and helped write the slides. I think that I could've contributed more by helping build the product, but with my abilities, I did as much as I could've. I think I could've done better by asking more direct questions in the beginning, but overall, I believe i did help with the advancement in our project.