Carpe Diem
1. How far along would you say you are in finishing your project? Is it necessary to fully finish the project to having a working prototype? What is the difference between an MVP and a working prototype?
Articles and news about ModCorp will be posted here. All product and customer service information can be found on our company website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
1. How far along would you say you are in finishing your project? Is it necessary to fully finish the project to having a working prototype? What is the difference between an MVP and a working prototype?
1. Why is it important to research the science concepts behind your project early on? How did your research change your project?
1.Describe how the team interactions are going for you, so far. Not the entire classroom...just between the people on your team. Would you characterize your team overall as high energy, low energy, motivated, not motivated, contentious and combative, friendly and encouraging, etc? In other words, what adjectives would you use to describe your team?...
1. Where did you decide to conduct the interviews you did? Why did you choose that site?
1. Describe how the Hire Day went for you. Did you feel like you were given a fair chance, either as CEO or someone being hired? Explain.